Dani Alves remains in jail
The Dani Alves case continues to give much to talk about. The footballer is still hospitalized while waiting for the Barcelona Court to resolve his appeal with which his defense has asked to be released on bail until the trial for allegedly sexually assaulting a girl at the Sutton nightclub. A delicate situation that has fully affected his wife, Joana Sanz. Source: (CHANCE)

She deleted all his photos in networks
At first she deleted all the images from her social networks with Dani, hinting that she was completely dismayed by what she had allegedly done that famous night of December 30.

Prison visit
However, days later, she appeared in jail to visit him. Visibly serious and unwilling to talk, the model assured that she was not going to leave him alone in the worst moment of his life.

Lola Casademunt fashion show
This Friday, Joana arrived in Madrid and went directly to Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Madrid to prepare the fashion show that took place this Saturday with the firm Lola Casademunt.

Cibeles Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week
Fleeing from the press and assuring that the only thing she was trying to do was to resume her professional life, the model was sparing with her words and did not give more details about her partner’s situation.

From happiness to anger
On Sunday we were able to talk to her and she made it clear: «I’m happy, I’m thrilled, as you can see». The model surprised us with these statements after the fashion show, but minutes later she showed her worst face.

Visibly annoyed
Visibly annoyed, she said «well, no» when we asked her if she understands the interest that she arouses in the press because of the scope of the Dani Alves news.

Doing her job
The model, when asked about her family, showed her anger and addressed the journalists with a defiant tone: «And you with yours, everything all right? Since we are exchanging», and stressed: «I understand that you are doing your job but, I’m also doing mine».

Did not respond to questions
In this way, Joana avoided answering questions about whether she has returned to talk to her husband on the phone, if she trusts him, if she believes in justice, if she is finding support in her friends and family (something that has been questioned a lot)….

Wants to stay out of the way
There is no doubt that the model wants to stay out of it and, for the moment, we have no doubt that she supports her husband.