Foods we banish
Just think of peanut butter and our mouth waters! However, it is often one of the first foods we banish from our diet because of its high caloric intake. Source: (CHANCE)

Beneficial for our organism
A mistake because, this butter made with dry roasted peanuts and ground to create a very creamy texture, can be very beneficial for our body, because as Edgar Barrionuevo, nutritionist at the Silvia Giralt center in Barcelona, tells us, it regulates blood sugar, maintains muscle and cardiovascular health and improves the well-being of the immune system.

100% pure
«The first thing to keep in mind before we start consuming peanut butter is to choose one that is 100% pure, without preservatives, salt or added sugars,» explains the expert. In this way, we will manage to maintain the natural properties of the peanut, among which stand out:

High fiber content
«Peanut butter has a high fiber content that helps digestion to develop properly and avoid a feeling of heaviness.»

Contributes to weight loss
This food has a great satiating power that helps to fight cravings for snacks between meals and thus avoids the intake of other less healthy snacks.

Extra energy
It provides extra energy because it is rich in protein and healthy monounsaturated fats. «It is ideal to ingest it before or after training to give back to the body the energy lost during exercise,» recommends the nutritionist.

Helps muscle development
According to Barrionuevo, «peanut butter is an excellent option for building muscle as it allows you to easily reach the calories and protein needed to achieve your goals».

In what proportion is it recommended?
This superfood, despite having numerous properties, it is recommended that its consumption be moderate, since «per 100 grams, its highest nutrient is 76% fat, followed by 17% protein and 7% carbohydrates,» says the expert.